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Gulla Jonsdottir

Critically acclaimed architect and designer, Gulla Jonsdottir, is the creative and visionary force behind some of the most striking hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and spas in the world. Called the new Zaha Hadid by the Huffington Post and a recipient of Hospitality Design’s Wave of the Future Award, she is founder of the new design firm, G+ Gulla Jonsdottir Design, located in Los Angeles, New York and the Middle East.

Born in Iceland, Jonsdottir received a degree in architecture from the Southern California Institute of Architecture in Los Angeles. For eight years, she served as VP and Principal Designer of the acclaimed Dodd Mitchell Design firm, where she envisioned and designed numerous projects such as the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, the Cabo Azul Resort in Los Cabos, Mexico, the Thompson Hotel in Beverly Hills, and the Double Seven Lounge in New York. Prior to this role, she spent four years at the renowned Richard Meier & Partners as part of the design team for numerous projects, including the Getty Center in Los Angeles and the Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills. She served as set designer at Walt Disney Imagineering, where she collaborated on TokyoDisney Seas and Euro Disney in Paris.

Jonsdottir has received several awards for her work in architecture and design, including Best Designer of the Year by Esquire Magazine for her design of the Red O restaurant in Los Angeles; Interior Design’s Gold Key Award for Best Spa Design for Paz Spa at the Cabo Azul Resort; Boutique Design’s Best Hotel Design for Cabo Azul Resort; the Los Angeles Architectural Award of Excellence for Red O Restaurant and the Hospitality Design Award for Roxbury.

Jonsdottir is truly passionate about her work, with themission of creating meaningful architectural spacesfounded on beauty and artistic integrity. She is inspired by travel, nature, art and fashion.